Patient Stories

Everyone has a different journey to diagnosis. Watch these videos for a selection of stories from people living with Cushing’s syndrome from the UK, Norway and France.

We are extremely grateful to Sammy, Ida and Lily for sharing their stories and we hope that you find them helpful.

Sammy's story

Sammy’s video takes you through the story of a typical patient with Cushing’s syndrome.

Changes to her health worsened over many years without doctors being able to discover what was wrong. When a diagnosis was finally made and Sammy was treated for Cushing’s syndrome, she was able to live a more normal life, with valued support from the Pituitary Foundation.

Ida's story

Ida is a woman with Cushing’s syndrome.

Living in a remote village in Norway, Ida had to wait 14 years before the doctors found the correct diagnosis. Having now been diagnosed and treated, Ida feels she can do all the things she wants in life.

Lily's story

Lily is a Cushing’s syndrome patient from France.

She struggled with her symptoms for 5 years before a physician was able to confirm a diagnosis of her disease.

An informational resource about Cushing’s Syndrome fully funded as a service to the community by HRA Pharma Rare Diseases